Discover the potential of nature through the eyes of artists, entrepreneurs, activists, writers and educators.
When was the last time you went into the woods? Opened up to your surroundings and wondered what you can learn from nature? Let us take you on a magical journey in your own backyard.
We invite you to an unforgettable day at the beautiful estate De Hoorneboeg in Hilversum, appealingly located between magnificent heathland and surprisingly impressive forests. On October 29 your senses will be flooded by autumn atmospheres and inspiring speakers who will take you into the miraculous world of plants, mushrooms and soil life.
After a hike through the splendid environment, we will talk to entrepreneurs who managed successfully to create a (sustainable) business from working with nature. We also look at our relationship with nature through the eyes of a microbiologist, wild picker and naturopath, to discover how nature can provide us sustenance, medicine and solutions for environmental problems. The Pollinators will shed a light on the importance of biodiversity and what they do to help the hardworking bees and butterflies. Meanwhile a renowned chef is working his magic in the kitchen to provide you with a delicious lunch.
You will be able to process the impressions of this inspiring day during a soothing and intimate piano concert by Marko Ivic. We close the day with drinks and connect with like-minded interesting people and reflect together on a valuable day.
We won't let you go home without a nice goodie bag filled with beautiful products from sustainable brands worth 35 euros!
Get back to nature with Mavin Magazine.
Download Press release (pdf)
Note: Because Mavin wants to appeal to an international audience, it is published in English but speakers at this event will mostly speak in Dutch.