The Good Ancestor; How to think long term in a short-term world.
A radical Prescription for long-term thinking in the book ‘The Good Ancestor’ by Roman Krznaric. Philosopher and co-founder of the School of Life, Krznaric sees short-term thinking as the root of our problems today. The future generation is not taken into account due to this, thus suffering hugely from shortsighted decisions today. A major problem this pertains to is of course climate change.
"The Good Ancestor; How to think long term in a short-term world" written by Roman Krznaric.
In the book Krznaric shows how we can be a good ancestor for our future generations. Whilst they don’t have a voice or any rights today, our decisions will impact their lives massively. There will be no solution to climate change or other issues if we don’t start thinking in the long-term. He celebrates the time rebels who are reinventing democracy, culture and economics so that we all have the chance to become good ancestors and create a better tomorrow.
You can find the book in your local bookshop.
The Good Ancestor - The Legacies We Leave
The Good Ancestor - The Marshmallow and the Acorn
Want to know more? Visit or follow Roman Krznaric on YouTube.